Monday, September 16, 2024

Ai, digital and traditional art. Which is valid?

 thinking emoji

 For many months now I have been playing with AI  to create images. it has just been a fun thing to unwind with at the end of the day. so I was very surprised that one of the places I am working towards selling at allowed Ai art. 

I am not opposed to  this I am actually embracing this and I do know all too well many are opposed. Well, I am being honest about what is ai and to be honest its a collaboration. I am the words and the ai is the pictures. It sorta reminds me of when I was working for a magazine. I would be sent a story and have to do the artwork for it.  More or less the same thing.Words and the picture.

I have watched so many movies in my life where you fall in love with various characters that are not human because they are so good at selling them as a living being so I think about that a little bit with it all. 

Too this journey is about my art a lot of the way true but its about appealing to  various individuals too for sales and some like ai. Sell out nope not at all just smart marketing.

I feel there is enough room in the world for all to be represented

. It is not always easy to get a good image with ai either. The words have to be very precise or else fail!

I do value my ability to tell a good story so I know I can do well with the words too.

And too this makes me think of how some seem to devalue other types of art some seem to think digital is not valid or traditional does not look professional enough??? What? So see it can become very complicated with things at times. I love it best when  creatives just celebrate other creatives. That is pure beauty because noone can do things just like someone else so there is more awesome in the world. 

And then we have different styles. impressionist, traditional, doodlecore, etc, I feel it is all so beautiful none better then the other.

Til next time have an excellent one!!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A little bit of this and that



 Hello everyone, 

So my life and my creative experience is changing and  has changed a lot and I want to give a bit of a run down on where I am at this point in time.

I am definitely at a cross roads of sorts in many ways and in some regards still just being silent and waiting and wondering my next steps and in some other ways I am learning new things and running with it to see where it takes me.

I am a very determined individual and it finds me always looking for solutions. I am not the one who can pretend things are not happening and just let it fester or go stagnet.

So lets see where to begin my web presence has changed and some of it is going back to what was. I am using my old blog again I find it to be the best option.

I honestly have not had as solid of a presence on the web as I could and I see it is very important to have in some reguards so I am working on that now. I hope to blog more and i am looking into ways to sell my art via the web. There are a lot of different possibilites. 

With the online selling it is not as cut and dry as i thought it would be though.  I figured I will scan in my art work and download it to places and all set. Urhmmmmmm nope its not that simple. In may cases you need to take the background off of things especially if you are going to sell various items with art on them. Sooooo this requires me to learn how to do this and i am doing fairly well but in some cases its an epic fail. Much of my art is watercolor these days and I  tend to love to do soft washes of the color and  some things seem to require bolder colors. But I  am figuring it out. My art is just as valuable in the world as anyone elses. Too I do create digitally a bit so that lends better to this new journey. 

So this has been a real learning curve but that is okay too as  I  feel we should always learn in life and hopfully things that will fill us up right? 

Anyway, there is a lot of excitement around this journey.  Change is good right? And my life is shouting out big and loud for major change.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Holy Smokes Batman!!!!!

 As Robin would say to Batman...🎨

So again, I am on a new journey. I thought it would be awesome to sell my artwork via a POD (print on demand) site where you have your art on a lot of products the company does all the leg work and you sell your art. See notice what I said there they do all the leg work. Some think they are a rip off but they have all the items which are to be printed on, they print them ship them deal with returns etc and if you can continue to get paid over and over for the same art. I think it is a win win!!

It is not being as easy as I thought it would be though I am having to learn background removal programs because for  most items you do have to have a blank background so it fits into designs well. Its all good though. Its taking me back to my digital art days and I get to tweek things. I am having to learn  a few programs really to make sure all looks good. It is all worth it though.

Oh And I am getting back into some of my funky digital art again. I guess I enjoy a lot of that as  many of  the designs are kalidescope like and I love Love LOVE kalidescopes!!! When I do the digital art I can actively create it without a background so perfection!!!! Do dah!!!

Oh and otherwise I am really checking out things to see what I want to sell. I think its gonna be a lot of my watercolor images especially  the ones I call my scruffy fluffies, after taking the illustrators course I found myself really feeding my whimsy and so lots of fluffy scruffies have been  born from it!!

I also feel it is just so fun to have my stuff on all sorts of items because it just feels like another level of professional!!!

This new journey has the ability to catapult me into even more directions. Right now my mind is ticking with ideas.😻

Until next time be happy and create!!!!